Interesting. I have used oregano oil in patients to treat fungal infections (overgrowth in the bowel) identified on stool analysis with Genova Diagnostics. Unfortunately, several patients have developed GI upset within a week of initiating therapy and have needed to discontinue its use.

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INTERESTING I've tried oregano + cranberry + d-mannose with no effect on UTI.

BUT what I find fascinating about the oregano - which I have also used to treat respiratory infection - is that I find, once I start - my body, my tongue - craves it, until "treatment is complete." My experience completely different to yours!

Maybe the diff is in the dose?

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Yes, oregano is great for ending a cough due to cold/flu. I use a preparation/capsule made by Gaia for this and it had never caused me or my kids GI issues.

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In Chinese medicine, drafts of bitter-tasting herbs will be tolerated without complaint by the client whose been diagnosed correctly; once the disorder is resolved, the herbal remedy is not longer palatable.

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Good one, Scott, & interesting. Glad she & you shared. Always love reading about baobab!❤️🙏

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I should also mention that the reason I started doing chlorine dioxide was because about a year ago I lost a lot of weight and then I got Covid and then about a month later after that went away I had Kikuchi disease. It’s a very rare disease and I think it came from having Covid. I started getting a lot of pain issues in my elbows in my SI joint. And in my body in general, my right side hurt. I do have a history of pain issues… And anyway, I came across the chlorine dioxide protocols and did research and decided to experiment on myself. I did the protocol 1000 for 21 days and I can send you the results of my blood before and after. The only other thing I experimented with during this period was chlorella and spirulina which are foods. Anyway, after doing the chlorine dioxide protocol 1000 for 21 days, my pain dramatically improved. My SI joint pain is almost gone, and I am able to do chin ups now. I did work my way up to this. Earlier this year, I could not do one shin up with the band because it hurt me so much and now I am doing 80 every five days. I still have some pain in my elbow, but it’s very minimal and it’s a different kind of pain which doesn’t stop me from moving or working my arms. And now I have this UTI and so I’ve decided to experiment again and see if this protocol takes care of it. I am on my third day now. I started with three drops because I did it before and worked my way up and I felt like it was OK for me and so far it has been fine. I immediately felt less symptomatic in my bladder and urethra, but I still feel some irritation in the urethra. Nonetheless, I’m going to finish the protocol and re-culture my urine.

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It’s worth reviewing Michelle’s comments about s bath with CD for UTI in the comments.

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I am doing this experiment right now for UTI.

Enterobacter cloacae complex gram negative


Acinetobacter junii gram negative

I will test again a week after I finish.

I’ve recently used chlorine dioxide before and it fixed my blood and some pain issues. For about a decade, I have had white blood cell counts in the 3s and 2s. And I’m usually anemic with a low red blood cell count. The last test I did was perfect and my white blood cell count was 5.2. and my red blood cell count was normal. I had very few side effects, if any.

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Hi Wendy,

Were you able to get rid of your urinary track infection with Chlorine Dioxide?

Blessings in Jesus name,

Curious Outlier

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I’ve been drinking 1 liter of CDS protocol C daily the past year. I am out and exposed to hospice patients, vaccinated patients, patients with pneumonia and Covid. I am 61 years old. I am never sick and don’t miss a day of work, unlike my younger coworkers. I had long Covid x 2 years. I believe CDS is what finally cured me.

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Would you be willing to have your blood tested for microclotting and spike ab levels and provide a history for a case study? It would make for a compelling case study if your approach is addressing those clinical markers. If the answer is yes, you can email practicemanager@drpierrekory.com and I’ll be in touch. We will pay for the tests.

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Would love to!

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I have collected quite a number of testimonials like this. Thanks for sharing.

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After a bout with a UTI about 10 years ago and taking an antibiotic which left me with remaining symptoms, I heard a physician whose name I cannot recall state that all nursing home residents should be on d-mannose (1500 mg) daily to prevent uti's. I began that regimen and have never had another uti. I have recommended it to others and now find that some physicians will suggest that to people who get recurring uti's.

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I like D-Mannose a lot, and have found some benefit in several patients with chronic UTIs which evolved into pyelonephritis and sepsis. Like most therapies, it works well for some, not as well for others.

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I started D-Mannose with cranberry several years ago after reading about the benefits for preventing UTIs. It seems to be working for me as I haven't had one since, and I used to get one at least once a year. I haven't tried the the Pure product but it does sound good.

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I had a UTI a week ago. Went full "Joe Rogan" on it with AZT, DMSO (1 teaspoon 3 times a day in juice), oil of oregano, liposomal Vit "C", Ivermectin and Cranberry extract pills. Over in 24 hours. Can't attribute the speedy recovery to anything in particular, but combo worked. A little prepping goes a long way to having lots of useful stuff on hand. I had CD in the fridge, but didn't think to use it.

Love your writing - Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year.

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Do you have a link for the DMSO used? Thank you.

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Garachem 99.9% pure DMSO 16.9floz/500ml - source Amazon.com

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Thank you!

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So interesting. Thanks so much.

Obviously extraordinarily complex conditions are extraordinarily complex to treat. Knowing “what worked“ always will be quite a challenge. Humility and willingness to experiment carefully will be essential in the journey. Hat tips to you and Daisy for working as a team and sharing the experience.

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Baking soda and lots of water knocks a UTI down fast.

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I also use a tiny (tiny) amount of estrogen cream 1x a week to prevent UTI.

As I've had hysterectomy, I have NO estrogen in my system (verified by DUTCH test), so what's safe for me may not be for others.

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I have treated with Oregano oil as well

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I'm glad that everyday I see more daylight on chlorine dioxide. It's a wonderful substance that has been belittled in the mainstream. Why, there is no money in it. I'm going to list a couple links for further information. Not sure if you will print them? Might jeopardize your career? Wouldn't blame you if you did not! I love your newsletter complete with honesty and consideration! We're lucky to have you! Keep up the good (enlightening) work! Soldier of Truth. https://theuniversalantidote.com. https://jimhumble.co

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Thank you Mike. These links have both become familiar. We are learning at a rapid pace.

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If it was me and I did not like the taste of the Chlorine Dioxide mixture, I would have diluted it with more water or used a little bit of sprite to obscure the taste.

Some other things that can be done to reduce the taste of version is to Use cold ice water, and also drink from a container that has a very small orifice. This will keep you from smelling the solution, which is a major cause of the aversion.

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Methylene Blue works very well. Ten drops in water a few times per week keeps UTI at bay, plus it is antidepressant and nootropic. I use it regularly. Baking soda in water will calm the pain. That is what women used long before the AZO era.

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You are using ten drops of what concentration of MB? How many mg?

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I'm intimidated by the CS stuff, that - it has to be mixed in small batches? Activated by HCl? Where does an Australian get HCl without Amazon?

I've gotten confidence mixing up my batches of DMSO - but for some reason, my bag of "pool powder" sits untouched, I'm intimidated by it.

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It can sound complicated, with all the protocols, but it is in reality a very forgiving molecule. You can mix virtually any acid with sodium chloRITE to make Chlorine Dioxide gas in water. You can use HCl, citric acid....even vinegar or lemon juice. Watch the video instructional on www.theuniversalantidote.com and read the accompanying resource document.

A very simple way to treat UTI's and other issues in the nether regions, is to mix up a batch and toss it in the bathtub and soak for 15+ minutes. Fast relief. There is a company, www.safrax.com, who makes chlorine dioxide tablets. One tablet in a gallon of water, I believe creates *26 ppm, which can be further diluted. There is a great calculator on their site too. You can use these tablets in a hot tub, pool... or even to make CD or CDS.

There are also two Telegram groups: The Universal Antidote Videos (tons of testimonials for all variety of issues) and a TUA chat group. Both are really helpful!

*edit: corrected the ppm of 1 tablet per gallon per the safrax calculator


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Citric acid and phosphoric acid can be used in an activator and I have covered how to make these in the book that I put together called The Ultimate Guide to Chlorine Dioxide. You can download it free here. https://theuniversalantidote.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/v1.5.1-mob-The-Ultimate-Guide-to-Chlorine-Dioxide.pdf

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Mate - you got that right! I think I would just take the abx, rather than tough it out for 3 weeks.

I'd be curious about other remedies like this - such as the DMSO, or methylene blue (I know nothing about this substance, and am not inclined to use it due to its MAOI properties - but it would be good to know if it works).

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The lively responses have revealed shorter pathways. What I keep in mind is the growing number of antibiotic resistant bacteria globally due to overuse and misuse. Oh, and then there are the unbquitous drug

«shortages. » Having alternatives may become more of a necessity than an holistic adventure. Best to be prepared and well stocked.

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