Aug 11·edited Aug 11Liked by Scott Marsland, FNP-C

Thank you for this very important message! I am not sorry I have listened to you. I had a knee injury and was taking collagen and then my husband noticed "both" of my legs were swollen. After I read your article about collagen, I stopped taking it and the swelling went down in both legs in one week! This is a serious issue more people need to know about and I thank you for your generosity in telling others.

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I’ve been taking collagen peptides for like 8 years now. I switch around on products a lot! I have bad knees. I’d love to read the article about collagen but I could not find it ! Can u please repost?

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Aug 12Liked by Scott Marsland, FNP-C

Tossing the zeolite! Thank you. FYI Have only taken it a few times with no noticeable effect.

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Glad to hear PJ.

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Aug 12Liked by Scott Marsland, FNP-C

And in British English it's 'aluminium.' Aluminum is always toxic in living organisms. There is a definite connection between Alzheimer's and the use of aluminum pots and pans, and in deodorants and hair spray. Alzheimer's patients have excess Al in brain tissue samples, as the metal crosses the blood-brain barrier. And it is a potent flocculation agent.

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I was wondering why Brits pronounced it differently!

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Aug 14Liked by Scott Marsland, FNP-C

Dennis Crouse — who advocates silicic acid to reduce aluminum— also reports that zeolite is a big NO.

I appreciate this reminder, as zeolite is touted as a binder for the niacin/sauna detox protocol of Dr. David Root & his son Dan. I just have grave concerns, and will avoid it. Similarly to the aluminum-based fluoride filters in Berkey water filters— if it ADDS aluminum, it can not be healthy!

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Wow! The plot thickens. Thank you for the added points of reference. I would not have imagined Berkey filters having aluminum.

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Aug 12Liked by Scott Marsland, FNP-C

Always appreciate your analyses and insights, as well as wit. All of these are even more vital in our current world. Thank you!

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Aug 12·edited Aug 12Liked by Scott Marsland, FNP-C

Thank you for this great article Scott! You have so much valuable information to share! I haven't used zeolite fortunately, but I had no idea about the aluminum. I agree we need very much to avoid any aluminum that can be absorbed by the body. I no longer have aluminum cookware or coated non-stick pans, but I do have some questions. I buy yogurt in small portions and most are covered with a peel-back resealable cover that looks like aluminum. Can that get into the yogurt? What about other toothpastes using a squeeze tube? Do they all have aluminum? What other products should be avoided?

Another question I have is about using the EDTA Dtox cream. Due to a severe skin issue on my feet and ankles, my dermatologist has prescribed a steroid cream 2x day. It has helped a lot and the skin is healing. I still have redness from inflammation there. It doesn't seem like a good time to use the detox cream as well. What do you think?

Thank you!

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Thanks for reading Fain. Please see my response to Earl.

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Where is Earl? I did see an answer to Michelle - avoid all aluminum cans! Good one!

Probably should avoid saving pennies on small cartons of yogurt with aluminum peel tops too!

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Aluminum is discussed in more detail in this previous Substack.


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Aug 22Liked by Scott Marsland, FNP-C

Question for you, Dr. Marsland. I have not yet read all your excellent articles, but in the ones I have read it seems you imply Vitamin K2 is harmful, mainly in your collagen articles. Is this correct? So many NDs and functional practitioners recommend it for helping supplemental Vitamin D3 to reach where it needs to go. You're the first person I've seen discuss this in a negative light. I've been taking K2 (as MK-7) but have noticed no ill effects. May I ask you to elaborate or provide a link to more information? Thank you very much!

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Please call me Scott, as I’m an NP. Thanks for reading. When there are academic articles which expand upon my clinical observations, I share them, but in this instance, I’m noting the impacts I see from Vitamin K2 at very low doses, reflected in the amyloid fibrin microclotting which we measure. I don’t know how many clinicians are aware of or utilize the lab of Dr Jordan Vaughn in Birmingham, AL to measure microclotting, but without it, you wouldn’t necessarily know. Keep in mind that there are medical conditions which you may not feel, e.g. hypertension, but which in their cumulative effect over time will harm you.

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Aug 15Liked by Scott Marsland, FNP-C

Thank you for this article! What about green clay ( argile vert) which was recommended to me when I lived in France ? I distrusted the way it tasted so I only tried it once but have read good things about it since.

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Aug 15·edited Aug 17Author

When I was an apprentice on a farm in South Central France, the Carlier family would mix a heaping tea tablespoon of the stuff in a tall glass of water and drink it every Friday morning. I tasted it once and that was enough for me. I think it’s benign enough. I really don’t know how effective it is at calculating heavy metals though.

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Thank you for replying to my question! So you don’t think it is harmful, that is good to know. If I ever find the video again which I watched about it I”ll send you the link. It was very interesting but what held me back was the taste which was so chemical.

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Powdered zeolite is safe because it contains the structure to absorb metals but liquid zeolite is toxic. Quite a few influencers and doctors are aggressively promoting this liquid aluminum spray and not heeding the warnings from people like Dr Dietrich Klinghardt who has tested it and found it makes people aluminum toxic over time. He has said that until they show him scientific proof that it doesn’t make someone aluminum toxic he would not use it. He has said that even mercury will feel good at first and they used to use it in medicine for that reason but later realized how toxic it is. Sad that the remedy they are using to detox the shots causes the same symptoms.

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Aug 28Liked by Scott Marsland, FNP-C

Good thing I read this comment. I have a largely unused container of powdered ZeoBind from Klinghardt’s company BioPure. I just left them a message asking them to respond to my questions about it. This stuff isn’t cheap, after all.

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I'm stumped, as another reader commented that Dr Klinghardt previously warned of the dangers of Zeolite. Ultimately, I'll repeat my assertion that our bodies are behaving differently under the influence of the dastardly spike protein, in particular the way our blood is hypercoagulable. And so, what we may have tolerated or benefited from in the past, could now be quite harmful. We are learning the hard way.

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Aug 28Liked by Scott Marsland, FNP-C

Although I’m unjabbed, as if that even matters, I also have Factor V along with Ehlers Danlos Syndrome. Yikes, it’s like playing Twister just getting through the week.

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You're not kidding Bridget! Impressively, we have observed excellent safety using anticoagulation with Sulodexide, even in patients with Factor V!!

If you have read these Substacks already, forgive me, but I'll mention them here for the benefit of other readers.

See my Substack re: Sulodexide:


People with EDS, in the post-Covidian era, have a much higher chance of suffering from iliac venous compression or MayThurner Syndrome. See my Substack re: this:


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Very interesting, thanks so much, Scott. I’ll look into Sulodexide. Any chance you’d share your source?

I’m already using Nattokinase and Lumbrokinase.

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Or, you can ask you doctor for an Rx, take a jet plane to Italy, and purchase it in a pharmacy. Yes, they will accept an American Rx. If risk of bleeding with Eliquis and Plavix was top of scale, Sulodexide is bottom of scale. That said, we have had very minimal issues with bleeding and bruising, certainly manageable, in more than 1,000 patients. The issue is hypercoagulability secondary to spikopathy, not bleeding.

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As an MD who has practiced drug free medicine and psychiatry for 54 years, I fully concur with you observations about natural and gentle, and natural and safe not always being the same.

And Zeolite is a big, bad, but widely-touted no no for exactly the reasons you outline.

The stomach acid which we have, and need, dissolves the aluminum complex minerals lumped together under the term "Zeolite" (check out the coefficient of dissociation tables to get a feel for just how effective that process is) and the zeolite user is now poisoning him or her self.

Good for you for making that point, Doctor..

By the way, my own personal doctor is an NMD because I value the naturopathic path so highly.

Sadly, most MDs, NPs, PAs and such LOVE their prescription pads and it is up to us, their patients, to resist their misdirection, no matter how well intentioned it might be.

By the way, to get us out of the UN Death Machine, please visit PreventGenocide2030.org and take the quick, effective and vitally important 10 Million Patriot Challenge there.

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Thank you for reading and sharing Rima.

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Thank you for sharing this!!! Zeolite was something I was considering using with my son for some mild autistic-like behaviors that I thought might be related to vaccines from when he was younger. It’s interesting because Larry Cook (not a doctor, but an advocate for autism and against vaccines) recommends a zeolite spray, when we recognize that aluminum is a major problem in vaccines. Perhaps he doesn’t know?? I’m thankful that while the first bottle of the spray he recommends was cheap, I’d deemed future bottles too expensive and hence had never bought it.

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Thank you for enlightening me on some stuff which I had been led to believe was healthful, but that turns out to be unhealthful.

Also, what about the fact that Zeolite further feeds the nanotechnology that we're all infested with? (Or do you not agree with or believe Ana Mihalcea, MD, PhD and other's evidence?)

So, you're saying that even though Zeolite, or at least some Zeolite supplements, which is/are allegedly sourced from volcanic rock origin, also contain(s) aluminum? So there's "naturally occurring" aluminum in it? How can that be? I thought aluminum was a product of formulation and that there is no naturally occurring aluminum?

Additionally, my Zeolite is allegedly the original Zeolite (manufactured by ZeoHealth), and it claims to only contain Clinoptilolite Zeolite. Is that a made-up "chemical" name, or is it the one brand to be trusted, or not?

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Aug 13·edited Aug 14Author

Hi Steppen-Wolf,

I haven’t paid to read what Dr Mihalcea has written behind her paywall, so I honestly don’t know.

I understand aluminum to be the third most abundant element on earth after oxygen and silicon, often found in rocks on the surface mantle of the planet.

I don’t know whether powdered aluminum or your version from volcanos is safer. But it reminds me of a true story from upstate NY.

A woman drove up to the guard booth at one of our maximum security prisons and said “I’d like to order a bacon, egg and cheese sandwich.” The guards said, “Ma’am, this is a prison guard station.” She replied “Yeah, but I really, really, really want a bacon egg and cheese sandwich.” It was then the gusrds noticed the white powder around her nose and things went downhill from there. So, if you’re super committed to using Zeolite, may the force be with you.

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Aug 13·edited Sep 4Liked by Scott Marsland, FNP-C


Thanks, but I'm NOT committed to using Zeolite, and I stopped taking it a month or two ago when I discovered that it feeds the nano. And my legal name is S. Wolf Britain, so I'm called Wolf as if it was my first name (though it's my middle name). I switched my moniker on Substack around because people were calling me "Steppen", which I don't want to be called, hoping that since Wolf is first in the moniker, that they will call me Wolf. Now you're calling me "Stephen" (with a "ph"), but I doubt that if I made my moniker my entire legal name, that people would call me Wolf like they're supposed to, and would likely call me "S" or "S. Wolf. Even though people listing their name that way, with their first name abbreviated, is quite common, particularly with professional people, most people still don't "get" it, and that they're supposed to call people by their middle name when their name's are listed that way. I could make my moniker Wolf Britain, but I don't want to.

Anyway, when I was in school I wasn't into the sciences, and I'm an artist, so I was going for a B.A., not a B.S., thus I didn't know, or remember from grade school, that aluminum is in the Periodic Table. I know, I could have looked it up online, but I didn't want to bother.

On doctor Mihalcea, I'm only registered as a non-paid subscriber to her "Stack"; but, unless she relatively recently expanded her paywall, one at least used to be able to read some of her articles without paying. So, if you're interested, I would try registering as an unpaid subscriber. But from the sound of it, be prepared to have your mind blown as mine was. According to the PROOF she and others provide in abundance, we're ALL infested with nanobots and other nano technology (graphene and lipid nano---plastics and anti-freeze, etc.), including the unvaccinated like myself. I have the filaments coming out via building up and caking the walls of my nose, scraping them out every day and their being replaced beginning immediately. Needless to say, it is extremely disconcerting.

All of this has been found in the fallout from the chemtrails too, which I hope and pray you know is NOT a "conspiracy theory", but a "conspiracy FACT". I don't understand, even though you didn't want to pay to access the good doctor's Stack [which I, on my below-poverty-line Social Security---I'm 68 and totally physically disabled with "Lyme Disease", Fibromyalgia and chronic immune deficiency, and have been all my life, having first been bitten by ticks when I was eleven years old and again a couple more times thereafter), though I didn't get on Social Security Disability until 1993, and didn't start to find out that I'm disabled with CFIDS, etc., until 1994---don't want to pay to access as well, because I can't afford it ($60.00 per year, the cost of many Stacks, if it isn't higher, really is something I have to take into consideration)], that you haven't heard about this before now. (My only income is $963.00/mo. Social Security, and I barely get by.) Many of we "Lyme" sufferers used to believe that the shit coming out our noses and elsewhere was "microfilarial", aka microscopic, worms, but now we realize that it's the nano filaments, or at least I and many of us now do. We've all been infested with nano against our wills.

Look up David Nixon (Australian) and others on Substack who have categorically proven the nanotechnology infestation in both the "vaccinated" and unvaccinated. I personally believe that EVERYONE in the medical freedom movement needs to remove all of their paywalls, because they are leaving out millions of impoverished people from both obtaining a lot of this information, and from being able to exercise their freedom of speech on those peoples' Stacks; thus, in my view, also violating same by having paywalls. Obviously, we shouldn't have to pay for free speech.

Anyhow, you really DO need Dr. "Ana's", David Nixon's and others' information, so I hope and pray you will at least sign up for her Stack, if not the others', and look for her articles that don't have the paywall extant on those particular articles. We're in the neo-holocaust, and EVERYONE needs to completely wake up and face that FACT; for, if we don't wake up enough people and get millions to stand up against it, we're all toast. If all of Dr. Ana's articles are behind a paywall now, please try going to the archive of her articles that hopefully weren't automatically put behind her paywall when she initiated it.

By the way, the U.S. government has both admitted and denied chemtrails, so that should tell you that such geoengineering is a highly unfortunate, very real thing.

Happy COMPLETE Enlightenment! Cheers! (Unlike you, I'm NOT being sarcastic at all.)


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Aug 13Liked by Scott Marsland, FNP-C


Here's one of Dr. Ana's Substack articles that isn't behind a paywall. It's not directly concerning the nanotech, but it's a very interesting article that covers important stuff we need to know:

SUPER INTELLIGENCE - Analysis of Nick Bostoms Book - Director Of "Future of Humanity" Institute and Strategic Artificial Intelligence Research Centre

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD

Aug 12, 2024



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Thank you. I’ll give it a look-see.

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Wolf it is. Thank you for reading and sharing. Gotta say that after putting in ten hour days with patients, being on litter box and dishwashing duty, there is limited time to read as much as you have. But, we get by with a little help from our friends. No sarcasm. Tell me, did the story of the woman who wanted a bacon, egg and cheese sandwich at least make you smile?



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Aug 14·edited Aug 14Liked by Scott Marsland, FNP-C

Thank you for your replies.... Say, do calcium antacids, which I used to use a lot but have cut down on them considerably, contain aluminum? Please let me know, TY.

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They do not.

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Scott, did you toss the Weleda? I'm using that stuff! What toothpaste are you using now? And what should I do about the aluminum exposure?

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Thanks for the question Earl. My wife built houses for a decade. Energy efficient ones at that. In building, there is this idea that you can get a home up to 90% efficiency within reasonable cost. But to get it up to 95% efficiency takes an inordinate amount of time and expense. I think that eliminating aluminum containing medications, deodorants, pots and pans, and beverages in aluminum cans…gets us pretty far. But to toss my toothpaste?it strikes me as reaching for that last 5%. I have had such good experiences and high regard for Weleda products that I held onto my toothpaste. Ditto my Uber synthetic Barbasol shave cream with an aluminum bottom. I shaved with a brush and shaving soap for many years, and my poor face thanks me for using the chemistry of Barbasol.

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My husband uses hair conditioner for shaving at the recommendation of an old family doctor. He loves it. He does also use Jeremy’s after shave balm, but he used just the conditioner as shaving cream for years before the Jeremy’s and loves it.

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I really like Frau Fowler tooth powders, especially mouth medic. It is packaged in a plastic pouch. Although i guess I need to double check that it isn’t lined with aluminum... I’ll delete my comment if I discover it is.

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They have it in a glass jar! I'm gonna try it! :)

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They do have a sample pack of all six flavors so you can decide which you like best.

Originally, they sold all their tooth powders in a hard plastic container with a screw-top lid, but they switched to the pouches a couple years ago.

I just checked—the pouches are indeed lined with a shiny silver material that I can only assume is aluminum, though it is not creasable like a toothpaste tube or aluminum foil. I’m going to keep using it, but I do pour it into my glass jar after I open a new pouch. It is still exposed to the silver lining that is probably aluminum from the time it is packaged until I open it though…

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Do they sell it in a glass jar? I have one of their glass jars that I refill with their pouches… I love the Mouth Medic flavor, but it did take some getting used to. I loved the cinnamon from the start, but at first it seemed extremely salty. I’m used to it and love it now.

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Zeolite is not a chelator. A chelator is something quite specific. For mercury, the molecule must have two , appropriately spaced thiol groups.

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Here's another one. If it only has the pure clinoptilolite it states it's a nontoxic zeolite https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1387181104004482 and check out all her 25 source links at the end of this https://www.vita4you.gr/blog-vita4you/en/item/zeolite-its-role-in-detoxification.html

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This article made me try a zeolite last year after experiencing shedding from a vaccinated boyfriend and chose Holy Land Zeolite listed with only a single ingredient: clinoptilolite. Based on my research the liquid was a lie and the original and pure form seemed to work wonders for me. Even after 3 months of no period, 5 days of this and my period came back and my feeling of balance. https://www.therechargeclinic.com/post/zeolite-powder-vs-liquid-zeolite

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