Recent Past
Every Monday and Friday morning, I carry our Juvent out the door, complete the awkward task of opening the hatch to my Volvo C30, and placing it in the boot for the ride up the hill to my office. Dr Fazio (Anthony) has committed to using it on those days. In the evening, I repeat this in reverse and drive home. In the evenings, my wife usually takes the first shift on the Juvent. She has “Kerrie time”, looking at cute videos of cats and getting her social media fix, while I’m usually engaged in the grunt work of kitty litter box management. By the time twenty minutes is up, I’m next.
Typically our black cat Charlotte will jump onto the sofa arm to get pet by whoever is on the Juvent. Our orange and white cat Renny will get on the Juvent for a while too, and share the ride. There was one night when he let me hold him in my arms for the entire twenty minutes. Clearly he has given his seal of approval. Some nights I’ll pull up the ironing board and press some shirts while I’m on the Juvent. Sometimes I’ll watch the first part of a movie while I’m on it. Last weekend I made a squash soup from scratch from the Juvent. You get the idea. It’s possible to make good use of your time while getting the health benefits.
Has the Juvent dramatically improved our health? The short answer is, I’m not sure, but I think so, at least enough that I am religious about doing it every night. Objectively, the edema in my feet and legs is less than it used to be; I’m in heart failure because of the Covid shots. Subjectively, I think that I’m stronger, that my posture is better, and that my stance is more secure. After twenty years of chronically low WBC, RBC, and platelets, all have normalized. My overall trajectory of recovery from two bad-batch shots of Pfizer has been one of steady, albeit gradual improvement.
We are certainly diligent about using the Juvent, having logged more than 500 uses since we started using it nearly eight months ago. A conversation I had with Juvent company owner Peter Simonson expanded my understanding of the role our bones play in our health. It also inspired me to buy a pair of camp moccasins from LL Bean with almost no cushion, and walk daily for at least twenty minutes on a hard surface.
You don’t need to spend $6000 to buy a Juvent in order to improve your bone health. You can walk daily with shoes that don’t prevent the impact from stimulating the long bones of your legs. Or you can buy a $100 Rebounder and use it for 15-30 minutes at day in your bare feet. But if you have chronic illness (raising my hand here), suffer from osteopenia or osteoporosis, have a risk of falls, have cancer and are receiving infusions which weaken your bones, etc. you may consider the investment.
Anthony was kind enough to provide the following log below. Following his log is a video link to an interview with Dr Gundry and Peter. My dad always said that if you can’t say anything good about someone, don’t say it. I was never able to stick to his advice. Dr Gundry makes me nauseous. He is a good looking, charming salesman. Sometimes he has good advice, but mostly he’s a huckster. I understand why Peter chose to do an interview with him instead of me; I have 3,000 readers, Dr Gundry has tens of thousands if not more viewers. Yawn. Hey, Pierre Kory is my work mate and has a gazillion followers on X. Having made my complaint, I’ll say that it’s a good interview, and well worth your time, primarily because Peter is a fine man, with an amazing product, and some important insights to share.
Juvent Platform Log
I have been using the Juvent platform since May of 2024. I have many chronic pains and injuries from over 30 years of martial arts study and practice. The worst of these injuries include the left shoulder, left knee, and both forearms and hands.
I have seen marked improvement in the knee injury. An unrelated chronic complaint is sinus congestion and post nasal drainage. Because of this, I am prone to pressure headaches. The vibration from the Juvent would make this tendency worse; I discovered that if I bent slightly at the knees, the vibration would stop just below my hips, and the headaches wouldn’t be exacerbated.
Recently, I began bending further in order to place my hands on the plate; this very quickly relieved the wrist and hand discomfort.
I typically spend between five and ten minutes twice weekly; I am excited to try to extend this, as the upper body joint discomfort is more problematic than the knee.
If I had to assign a rating on the relief, using the 0/10 scale, I would say the knee began as a 4-6, and is now a 2-3 (as I am still practicing some martial arts). The forearms and shoulder complaints are just beginning to respond, so it is too soon to rate them.
Ithaca NY
Hi Scott: Thanks for the article, love the photos, and the commentary. I have the same reaction to Dr. Gundry. A little goes a long way. I'd much rather see a conversation between you and Peter or better yet, you, Pierre and Peter!
I invested in a Juvent for my husband and myself. I have osteopenia from a benign parathyroid tumor that caused me to dump calcium like mad. I have been through a double mastectomy, multiple sugeries for reconstruction and a right hip replacment for bad arthritis. All of that (beginning in Feb, 2022) made exercise pretty difficult. I am using my the Juvent 10+ min a day. I'm encouraging my husband to use it. He has bad arthritis in his ankles and says its pretty uncomfortable for him but I encourage him to do just a few minutes a day.
Scott, I hope you continue to give us updates and protocols on the Juvent as you learn things about it.
I have just invested in one.
When you say you lean over further to work your upper body, are your feet still on the Juvent or beside it on the floor?