Apr 14Liked by Scott Marsland, FNP-C

“This pandemic was planned for years; see the details of Event 201 hosted by Johns Hopkins University, and you will see the script for the last four years. Event 201 was a high-level pandemic exercise on October 18, 2019, in New York, NY. The bioweapons were waiting to be launched. The media response was and is coordinated. The evil geniuses are coming for us and our families. They won’t stop until they get what they want, a dramatically reduced global population. It’s unbelievable, yet true. This is not a drill. This is not 1944. This is 2024, and there is a global genocide in progress.”

Yes Scott. This is why I connect with you, as well as others who also have eyes and ears that function. Proud to stand shoulder to shoulder with you. The creeps and the goons have no idea of the size of the bear they’re poking.

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I suspect my counselor, who was vaccinated in 2021, contracted one of those turbo cancers. In early February he went into hospital with what he told me was kidney stones. He died last week. I have sworn off all vaccines due to the COVID jab. Murder on such a scale it beggars the mind.

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I'm sorry about your counselor Candace. Agreed with you and Fain, no more shots of any kind for me.

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Wise decision ! Agree completely - no more shots of any kind! My last one was a flu shot a number of years ago - that I now regret.

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Apr 15Liked by Scott Marsland, FNP-C

Amen! Another great Substack Scott!

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Apr 14Liked by Scott Marsland, FNP-C


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Apr 15Liked by Scott Marsland, FNP-C

Insightful post that gives a sense of hope and support, much appreciated!

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Apr 15Liked by Scott Marsland, FNP-C

Thank you for writing this, it touches me and gives me optimism. I hope those who are looking for ways to recover their health will look into Chlorine Dioxide Solution.

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Yuval is a psychopath.

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I listened to the whole interview and thought his recommendations at the end were reasonable and wise, I.e. meditate (pray) often and long enough so that you know yourself better than the AI being employed to hack you. There is now outside competition for control of our brains, and we need to stay ahead of it.

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He is a devout atheist. He has given talks where he has reduced the Creator God of the universe to a make believe elf in the sky, or something to that effect. I’ll have to look for the video again. I did not watch the interview, but that sounds opposite if what he has said in the past. He has been a transhumanist, welcoming “becoming one with technology.” If I find time, maybe I’ll watch the interview. I’d be shocked if he has actually changed his tune.

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I’d be interested in reading/watching if you find a link. I have a consistency theory about people; of course we can change, but mostly we show ourselves, and it’s up to us to believe the first time what someone reveals her/himself to be.

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I'm not finding the exact one I was thinking of, but here are a couple others that give a good flavor for what Harari really thinks. I agree, people do sometimes change, but usually don't...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nzj7Wg4DAbs TED Talk from 2015, about 17 minutes

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZFRBByUoJbA "Yoval Noah Harari |

What's Wrong With the Idea of God?" 3:38 minutes

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MmxxNwrIJf8 "Warning: Famous Gay Jewish Leader Wants to Rewrite the Bible Using AI" from Living Waters, about 17 minutes

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